Monday, September 10, 2012

Fall 2013 Back in Action!

Hi Everyone,

Just a quick update on how things are going with EC Lax since the team has been back on campus.  We had our first team meeting this past Friday and we are ready to get down to the business of winning a GNAC Championship in 2013!  The training schedules are out and our first team lift is set for Wednesday.  We are looking to get after it in the weight room this fall!

Here's a quick pic snapped of some laxers as they anxiously awaited their  NCAA Compliance meeting.
Some of the team ready for a photo-op.

This week marks our first full official week of classes. Our team goal for the semester is to achieve a 3.5 team GPA - a lofty one but we are confident that with some hard work, the great minds that make up the Emerson Women's Lacrosse team can achieve anything!

We are proud of our four Emerson Soccer players and their great 3-0 start this season! Check out the splash our freshmen are making and how well Junior Captain Casey Jablonski is holding down the defense. Come out on September 15th to support them in their next home game against Albertus. 1PM at Rotch Field.

We also have a new member of our staff to introduce.  Be on the lookout for a post in the coming week!

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